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630 4th Street SW
Hickory, NC 28602



CBC focuses on the idea that we have fallen from a better condition. We are ex-friends of God whom he is calling home for a restored relationship. In counseling sessions, we focus on determining our broken actions and seek to restore the brokenness. 


Once the broken behavior or relationship has been identified, we seek to recognize the broken patterns and move toward mending the pain and breaking the disruptive pattern.

During the process of recognition, we must enter into a cycle of forgiving ourselves for the broken behavior, and forgiving others; may it be a spouse, child, friend, or parent; because they too are living with a broken spirit.

As we go deeper and uncover layers of brokenness through acceptance and forgiveness, we seek to be restored with God. We are continually being called closer to God in order to build a restored relationship with Him, with ourselves, and with our neighbor.



The Center for Biblical Counseling (CBC) offers therapy for marriages, families, adolescents, depressed and anxious adults, and those who struggle with their faith. It also helps those who have survived sexual and physical abuse in childhood and now wonder how to resolve the scars, the flashbacks, and the fear. CBC addresses these issues from a Judeo-Christian worldview (although every person of any faith or background is welcomed). CBC also offers help to men and women who struggle with sexual or relationship addiction.




Dr. Steve Shores attained his Th. M. in Pastoral Counseling and Specialized Ministries at Dallas Theological Seminary. After a brief career as a pastor in Jacksonville, NC, he continued his education to deepen his focus in counseling at Grace Theological Seminary in Indiana. He later received his Doctorate in Ministries in Charlotte, NC. He continually deepens his knowledge and expertise in counseling through a regimen of graduate-level education, supervision, testing, and continuing education. With more than 20 years of counseling experience, Dr. Steve Shores has developed a spiritually rich practice in Hickory, NC, where he has helped numerous people through their pain and guided them on their path to restoration.
